La Roca FC Club Sponsorship - Silver Package

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1,000.00

What's Included?
  • -Company Logo on Ollie App (~2M impressions per year)
  • -Company Offer on Ollie App (can change offer as desired)
  • -Direct Link to company on Ollie App


    Ollie App Info: When you sponsor La Roca FC, you get to put your logo, an offer, and a link to your website inside the Ollie club and team management app that is used daily by all members of the club. Estimated 2,000,000 impressions annually. Seeing the sponsorship daily drives traffic to your business providing new customers and a positive return on investment.


    Note: After fundraiser fees, 100% of sponsorship funds are donated. The player will receive 10% of that amount, with the remaining amount going to the club.