Soledad Banner Sponsorship

  • Sale
  • Regular price $500.00

Hello Future Sponsor,

My Name is Robert Ramirez and I have been the assistant Coach at Soledad High
School Varsity Baseball for 9 years. Over the years we have had tremendous
community support in our wins and losses, Three Championships in that time frame.
This year we face a new team and a new league, and as a part of our foundation quotes
that will be instilled in our players; “ Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good” as we ask for
your help in achieving this.
Your donation will contribute towards expenses required for practice uniforms, a new
batting cage roof, redesigned back stop, baseballs, facility repairs, field maintenance
equipment like brooms, rakes and markers, game uniforms, game day attire, and
strength and conditioning equipment.
This year we are open to any donations, but our main focus is on outfield Sponsorship
banners. This is a great opportunity for support of our program and advertisement for
your company.
With your help we can continue to advance and improve our baseball program


Thank you in advance,
Coach Robert A. Ramirez
Soledad High School